Jayden's Blog

Artisticly Amazing!

Recommended Movies


Hi everyone,

Harry Potter


I spent hours yesteay, and the day before, and the day before that just trying to watch all the Harry Potter movies! They may seem kinda “geeky” but in my mind the are not. My favourite ones are Chamber of Secrets and Deathly Hallows. I like Chamber of Secrets because I found my favourite character Dobie but later in the series he dies and my heart was crushed! I like Deathly Hallows because I think it was one of the most intriguing for me and I could watch it a million times and not get bored! I also would not recommend skipping over The Half Blood Prince because something unexpected happens to one of the main and most beloved characters!

Old Disney Movies 

WDW-43-50 - Walt Disney Characters

Now we have all these high-tech 3D movies but we seem to forget about the classic old Disney movies such as my favourite Pocahontas, Aladdin and even The Lion King! I know some of you still do watch these but the majority don’t. I would recommend these because I think they all are better written and thought out. I love the movie Pocahontas because it is educational and entertaining. I also like it because it has a lot of lovely music and it’s not like other Disney movies because back then all the movies were about pretty princesses or violent fighting and Pocahontas is a mix between them. Songs:



Little Coraline

I know this one is more for Halloween but I like it because it is kinda creepy but not terrifying. It is also one of the only Halloween movies that umm, doesn’t involve gruesome killing! (sorry I had to say that). I would not recommend watching this if you are under the age of four because I got nightmares when I watched it when I was four!

That’s all for now, do you have any recommended movies? Leave them in the comments.

Have a cake-filled day!

Jayden 🙂

picture credit: Harry Potter: Keripo via Compfight  Diney:   Tom Simpson via Compfight   Coraline: Ken McGowan via Compfight


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